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Phone: (210) 945-1210

Qualifications: Bachelor degree in Early Childhood Master's degree in School Counseling

Kimberly Copeland

My name is Kimberly Copeland, and I am proud to be the Counselor at Converse Elementary. It is a privilege to be working with your children through the Guidance Program.

This is my 18th year in Education with 12 years of teaching experience. I obtained my Bachelor’s degree from Texas State University in Early Childhood and my Masters in School Counseling from the University of Texas at San Antonio.

I am here to help all students achieve their personal, social, and academic goals, as well as provide support for the parents and teachers. I’m excited for this upcoming year and I am honored to be working with your children. Please contact me with any questions or concerns that you may have!

Four Components of a Comprehensive School Guidance and Counseling Program

Other Helpful Resources

JISD Student and Family Services

Second Step Program/COVID Support

National Bullying Prevention Center

Mental Health & COVID-19